
Reputation Management – 12 Steps to Recover Tarnished Reputations and Move on with Growth and Prosperity

I was able to celebrate my birthday last week with the fun folks at the Public Relations Society of America – St. Louis Chapter. The monthly luncheon featured a fascinating topic by a world-renowned expert. Author and PR Exec Leslie Gaines-Ross of Weber Shandwick shared how a company’s reputation can be destroyed in seconds during…

6 Ways to Create a Press Release that the Media (and Your Customers) Will Love

I love press releases. They are one of the most clear, concise and non-manipulative ways to communicate important information. And, if written correctly, news releases offer facts and invite participation in a tantalizing way that makes everyone want to read them. I’ve found they are welcome addition to any direct marketing program; why save the…

The 100 Best Web Applications: Webware 2008 Winners Announced

Warning: this could get a little geeky! Brett, my husband, recently showed me a handy list of 100 top Web applications as voted by nearly 2 million people. Every year, sponsors the “Webware 100” awards (which does all the hard work for you in finding cool, useful Websites). The contest started with 5000 nominees…

Easy Ways to “Do-it-Yourself” Research

I recently attended an informative (and fun) luncheon put on by the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) St. Louis Chapter. The topic was research and the speaker was Steve Bast of Nucleus Marketing Lab. Since we’re all needing to prove our worth these days, research is becoming more important in every field. Steve customized…

5 Cool Digital Tools to Improve Your Life

Overloaded? Want to give your productivity and mental state a positive boost? Check out these great online tools to get more organized and improve your life. Remember the Milk ( – This is a free, incredible tool for managing tasks and to-dos. It has tagging, date, location, time estimate, frequency, and notes. You can enter…

7 Career Tips for Students (Or Anyone that Has a Job)

Today, I had the pleasure of participating on a panel about careers in communications at St. Charles Community College. It was fun! It was put together by the SCC Speech and Communications Department, which includes Darren Osburn, associate professor, who I knew from our days together at Culver-Stockton College. The other panel organizers were: Curt…

Do You Have Customers or Promoters?

You know that guy. He’s so in love with his iPod that he practically talks you into buying another one every time you enter his space. Or there’s that lady in the cube next to you who’s always reminding that you’ve “got to check out” that great new Google feature because its so useful. According…

Perception Is Reality

This is the kick-off post of my new business-related blog, Word Out. I chose this name because it’s fun, and right on with what every organization needs to do to be successful. Getting the word out to your target audiences is so important; it shapes how people view your organization. Reality is shaped by people’s…