Getting the Word Out

How the Right Information Can Benefit an Entire Industry

It’s crucial to get the right information to the right audience at the right time. So often your audience might not know about the great work your company is doing.IDEA Bands of Excellence Case Study

The Industry Data Exchange Association (IDEA) is making tremendous strides in eBusiness for the electrical industry. Last year, IDEA launched its Bands of Excellence rating and sourcing program, which measures the quantity and quality of marketing data electrical suppliers provide their channel partners. As a result, the much-needed marketing content in the Industry Data Warehouse has grown tenfold.

We recently helped IDEA illustrate the effectiveness of this initiative by speaking directly with manufacturers, distributors and contractors. Our case study outlined how the industry’s sychronized marketing content—which includes product specifications, descriptions and images—has increased drastically and led to improved buying experiences for contractors online.

Industry-wide, increasing marketing content in the IDW has streamlined the ordering process, led to higher customer satisfaction and enhanced overall productivity and profitability. It’s rewarding to be a part of the exciting progress that the electrical industry is making in eBusiness.

Check it out: IDEA Bands of Excellence Case Study

You can also view it on IDEA’s website:  “The Value of Sharing Marketing Content through the IDW”

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Sonia is the marketing strategist & word geek for NeuConcept.