
Fewer Options Equal More Sales

As Costco fans, we watched a documentary by CNBC called, The Costco Craze. It was interesting to see the reporter delve into all the reasons that Cosco is so successful with a loyal following. The show focused on a few major points: low prices fostering a sense of discovery with unexpected, frequently changing items limited…

Ethics of Spec Work in RFPs?

In the past few days, there’s been a somewhat heated discussion on Linked In about companies expecting creative firms to give away their design ideas on RFPs—before getting paid or selected, of course! The discussion was expanded to all RFPs and many different people, ranging from consultants to CFOs commented their varying views. I wanted…

Are You Making Sales Presentations in Your Underwear?

Since I’ve been working with my husband’s web development company for the past two years, I’ve met with many clients as they develop marketing plans and consider website improvements. Interestingly enough, it seems that many companies have it backwards… they put more emphasis on the tangible print or sales presentations and less emphasis on their…

Too Busy to Market Your Company?

For years, I’ve been offering advice to my husband that he should market his graphic design and web development business more. He always looked at me and said something like: “It’s on the list.” I usually then shook my head and thought that he needed better planning skills. This was before I left my 9-to-5…

Oops… Where’s My Attention to Detail?

Today I accidentally deleted all the “real” comments off this site when I deleted all the spam comments. How did I do this act of stupidity? Not paying attention to detail. I could blame this website’s interface, but in reality, I just wasn’t paying attention. It’s funny how all these years, I thought I was…

The Power of Testimonials

No matter what you are communicating, testimonials pack a powerful punch. Well, let me qualify for a minute: real testimonials pack a powerful punch. Fake or doctored up testimonials detract more than they help. (Who really believes infomercials?) Gathering testimonials for your company, product or service takes effort, plus a little time and money. However,…

6 Ways to Create a Press Release that the Media (and Your Customers) Will Love

I love press releases. They are one of the most clear, concise and non-manipulative ways to communicate important information. And, if written correctly, news releases offer facts and invite participation in a tantalizing way that makes everyone want to read them. I’ve found they are welcome addition to any direct marketing program; why save the…

Do You Have Customers or Promoters?

You know that guy. He’s so in love with his iPod that he practically talks you into buying another one every time you enter his space. Or there’s that lady in the cube next to you who’s always reminding that you’ve “got to check out” that great new Google feature because its so useful. According…