2019 STL Tunes
Great music around the corner.If you have an appreciation for quality tunes or ever played an instrument in your lifetime, consider checking out these events. I hope to be at as many as I can!😉 Sunday, May 19, 2019, 7pmSnarky Puppy Pavilion at Atomic Cowboy$35+FEEShttps://www.atomiccowboystl.com/concert-listing/8930475/snarky-puppy/ Saturday, June 15, 2019, 3:00pm-10:30pmCHESTERFIELD WINE & JAZZ FESTIVALDave Weckl…
2018 June and July Tunes
Look for me! I’m pretty excited about some upcoming musicianship here in St. Louis, both held at the Chesterfield Amphitheater. Only 15 minutes away for me and got a buddy coming from WI, so you know it’s worthy. 😉 It’s tough finding great videos because many labels and artists haven’t all recognized the benefit of…
Yummy Tunes
If there are any musicians out there, you missed some ridiculous chops a few weeks ago. I’m still recovering! 😉 I was very fortunate to catch Snarky Puppy at the Old Rock House in September. More a fan of the band than the venue. I learned to show up early which we did. I think…
Tasty JazzRock STL Tunes Summer/Fall 2014
Some worthwhile concerts have been making their way to St. Louis lately. I’m quite excited… 😉 Below are a few you’ll likely see me at – and super reasonable price too. If you appreciate musicianship at any level, consider one or ALL for sure. I tried to link to ticket info, then a video clip…