A few weeks ago I wrote on this website about a funny phone experience I had with a bank customer service rep about credit cards.
I submitted it to one of my husband’s favorite personal finance blogs, GetRichSlowly.org. The editor, J.D. Roth, liked the post and offered to publish it. It went online yesterday at GetRichSlowly.org.
Yesterday, I got my Google Alert on Coleman Unlimited. The post was picked up everywhere! Plus, on the GRS website, it’s caused quite a stir with 54 comments already. This has really illustrated the speed and intensity of the web to me–no wonder newspaper reporters and PR people feel overwhelmed.
I was also surprised to find that not everyone thought my story was funny! Some thought I was smug. Others inferred that I was calling the customer service lady dumb. Still others loved it. Now that I have a little taste of celebrity, I know that, with exposure, comes criticism. It’s an interesting time for communications, that’s for sure!
Check out the post at Get Rich Slowly.