Credit Card Post Published at

A few weeks ago I wrote on this website about a funny phone experience I had with a bank customer service rep about credit cards.

I submitted it to one of my husband’s favorite personal finance blogs, The editor, J.D. Roth, liked the post and offered to publish it. It went online yesterday at

Yesterday, I got my Google Alert on Coleman Unlimited. The post was picked up everywhere! Plus, on the GRS website, it’s caused quite a stir with 54 comments already. This has really illustrated the speed and intensity of the web to me–no wonder newspaper reporters and PR people feel overwhelmed.

I was also surprised to find that not everyone thought my story was funny! Some thought I was smug. Others inferred that I was calling the customer service lady dumb. Still others loved it. Now that I have a little taste of celebrity, I know that, with exposure, comes criticism. It’s an interesting time for communications, that’s for sure!

Check out the post at Get Rich Slowly.

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Sonia is the marketing strategist & word geek for NeuConcept.