Donald Trump Invited Me?

We got a special invitation from Donald Trump the other day. It had gold ink, and it looks pretty fancy on the outside.

On the inside, however, it was just like every other direct mail seminar pitch, except of course it included two free tickets to admit us to this special event.

My husband and I both laughed, and I couldn’t quite throw it away. I wanted a photo of it for this blog (and to show my grandchildren someday).

Then I got thinking about it? Is the economy so bad that Donald Trump has to hawk educational seminars and give away free CDs? Or did some training company buy the rights to his name? At any rate, is it the type of celebrity endorsement that all PR people dream of OR does it tarnish The Donald’s reputation?

At any rate, I won’t be attending the free Trumpathan training event.


Sonia is the marketing strategist & word geek for NeuConcept.